Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Exercise & Activitiy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exercise & Activitiy - Assignment Example After classes, I played basketball for one hour before taking a walk for another mile. I also used a skipping rope and did aerobic dancing for one hour each. I appreciate the importance of physical activities because I have successfully managed to keep obesity at bay, something that other people have not been able to. I need to keep myself as fit as possible, therefore, I use all available opportunities to exercise myself. I also found time to assist my parents with household chores and this has made them to be proud of me. Today, my meals were almost similar to yesterday. However, there was some difference today because I needed to balance the nutrients out. I had little vitamins yesterday, so today I endeavored to compensate for the short today. My lunch today included some cucumbers and okra. I also took two oranges and three sweet bananas. However, this increased my calorie intake. Consequently, I had to do more physical exercises today. After classes, I went swimming for a whole hour, expending more than 400 calories. This was in addition to playing basketball and doing aerobics. I also watched TV in the evening, and afterwards assisted my mother to wash the utensils after dinner. We chatted for half an hour before retiring to bed. I also learnt that God intends us to keep our bodies healthy. Our bodies are the temples of God. Even as I endeavor to keep obesity at bay, I also need to put God into consideration. I, therefore, have to maintain positive behavior that promotes good health. I have learnt to appreciate and respect my body, keeping in mind that it is my greatest and most precious resource. Today, my breakfast consisted of the eggplant, cheese and tomato sauce. I had two servings which equal to about 388 calories. I had tuna casserole with vegetables and mushroom soup for a total of 762 calories (2 cups). For supper, I maintained the mushroom soup, which is a favorite of

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